Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Phoenix

"The Phoenix on the Sword" is the first story of Conan published in Weird Tales magazine December 1932. In this story Conan is the king of Aquilonia, he must fight against Ascalante and the Rebel Four and a demon summoned by Thoth-Amon with a broken sword on which there's the magic symbol of the Phoenix!

Sunday, May 11, 2014


I 've drawn the costume of Conan like Howard wrote : a young barbarian with different clothes comes from the lands that he has visited.

Sunday, January 19, 2014


Inspired me the paint of Frazetta and the comics of Barry W. Smith. The skin of Atali and her brothers is almost white, like ice and the giants are covered with snow. The sky has been difficult with aurora borealis and the sunset